Sangam Contributors

The following people have contributed to the Sangam project:

Chih-wei "Dright" Ho is a percussionist. He enjoys all kinds of music. However, he has not played music for awhile, and his skill is far worse than it was. Still, he has the mind of a percussionist -- that is, in addition to the brain of a good programmer. Dright is the team lead of Sangam.

and I, I took the path less travelled by, and that makes all the difference. -- R. Frost Raha is the founder of the Sangam project. He developed a proof-of-concept demonstration in early 2002, when he was a System Architect for Kizna Corporation, Tokyo. After creating the first working demo, Somik handed over the project to Amit Rana. Somik returned to the project around Nov 2003 and was team lead till July 2004 (Release 1.2). Currently, Somik plays the role of ProjectCustomer.

Somik enjoys Yoga, Aikido and Story Test-Driven Development. Francine Gatewood just graduated from college with a B.S. in Comp Sci and plans to go back for her Masters after she takes a well deserved vacation. In the past Francine has worked at the USPS and NC State where her duties included designing databases, technical documentation and teaching Java and webpage design.

Francine also enjoys video games, water aerobics, and sushi :-)

Srividhya, photo and bio coming soon...

Brad Failor, photo and bio coming soon.. Benny Sadeh is an experienced XP coach, programmer, and consultant since 1987. Benny has utilized Object Oriented technology since the mid 90s, and has been actively applying and harvesting Patterns ever since, while perfecting his software craft. Benny brings his passion for refactoring and interest in messaging systems to this project, and we're already noticing the difference.

Benny is a great mentor to have, in more than just programming. He divides his time between development, coaching, continuous learning, and Aikido.

Photo coming soon. Amit Rana was the team lead of Sangam from release 0.5 to 0.65, and did some of the critical innovations on the proof-of-concept version that helped us get funding from IBM. Amit is back with release 1.2, and continues to work on this project from Japan.

Dr. Edward Gehringer, photo and bio to come soon.

Dr. Laurie Williams, photo and bio to come soon.