Iteration Plans

Iteration Plans

The iteration plans are divided into three parts:

The dates here indicate the beginning date of the iteration. Each iteration lasts one week.

  1. 03/03/2004
  2. 03/10/2004: (RetrospectiveOne)
  3. 03/17/2004: TodoThree (RetrospectiveTwo)
  4. 03/24/2004: TodoFour (RetrospectiveThree)
  5. 03/31/2004: TodoFive (RetrospectiveFour)
  6. 04/07/2004: TodoSix (RetrospectiveFive)
  7. 04/14/2004: TodoSeven, ReservoirSeven (RetrospectiveSix)
  8. 04/21/2004: TodoEight, ReservoirEight (RetrospectiveSeven)
  9. 04/28/2004: TodoNine, ReservoirNine, ManagementTestNine (RetrospectiveEight)
  10. 05/05/2004: TodoTen, ReservoirTen, ManagementTestTen (RetrospectiveNine)
  11. 05/12/2004: TodoEleven, ReservoirEleven, ManagementTestEleven (RetrospectiveTen)